peer support for those affected by mental health conditions and 

their friends and families

Tues June 11th, 2024

Meeting 7-9pm, doors 6:45 pm

topic:        Staying Well by Managing Your Relationship with the Internet


speaker:   Scott Swiniariski, BA Psych.

                 Adapt: Day Treatment Lead & Problem Gambling &       

                 Behavioral Addictions Clinical Supervisor & Clinician

previous speakers & topics

May 2024

topic:       Staying Well by Nurturing the Mind-Body Connection

speaker:  Joanne Hudspith, educator, certified yoga therapist


Apr 2024

topic       Prospering Through Mental Health:

               Fostering Wellness After First Episode Psychosis

speaker  Kayleigh Robertson, York University student,

               Certified Peer Mentor, EPION Phoenix Program,

               Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital



topic:        Transitioning from Adolescence to Adulthood:

                 Ideas for Maintaining Wellness & Accessing the Best Care

speaker:   Dr Alan Brown, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist

                 Retired, Chief of Psychiatry. Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital


Feb 2024

topic:        Practical Tools for Sustaining Wellness

speaker:  Shauna Wallace, Registered Psychotherapist (BAS,MA,RP,CCPT-1)

                 Principal, Equlibrium Psychotherapy

Dec. 2023

topic:        Finding Meaningful Work

speaker:   Karen Jacela, Employment Peer Mentor


Nov 2023

topic:       Concurrent Disorders

speaker:  Kathleen Kelly, Program Manager, Concurrent Disorders

                ADAPT Halton


Oct  2023

topic:       Psychosis 101

speaker:  Marina Sue-Ping, Program Coordinator

                Institute for Advancements in Mental Health (IAM)

                formerly the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario


Sept 2023

topic:       Strategies for Assessing and Maintaining Mental Health Care:

                Innovative Treatment Programs and Ideas for staying well

speaker:   Dr. Jeanetta Viljoen, Co-Chief of Psychiatry

                 Joseph Brant Hospital


June 2023

topic:       Mental Health :Tools & Tips for Helping Each Other

speaker:  Melanie McGregor - Manager Quality Improvement &                                            Development Canadian Mental Health Assoc.,

                Halton Region Branch

May 2023

topic:          How to get the most out of your counselling sessions:               

                  Ask an experienced Mental Health Counsellor

speaker:    Sandy Amodio -  B.S.W., B.Ed., M.S.W. - Counselling


Sandy Amo, M.T.S. -Counselling


Apr 2023

topic:          Managing Your Anxiety and Mental Wellness

                   practical tools for self-dare

speakers:    Crystal Dainard, Employment Supports Coordinator


                    Kristen Whattam, Pre-Employment Specialist


Mar 2023

topic:        DBT - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

                  some practical tools and applications

speaker:   Shauna Wallace

                  Registered Psychotherapist, (BAS, MA, RP, CCTP-1)

                  Principal, Equilibrium Psychotherapy


Feb 2023

topic           Mental Health: Tips & Tools for Helping Each Other

                   & (Navigating a Complex System)

speaker:     Melanie McGregor, Manager,Quality Improvement & Development

                   CMHA, Halton Region Branch


Jan  2023

topic        DBT - Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

                 How DBT works   

speaker:  Presented by Joesph Brant Hospital

                 Melanie Walker, MSW, RSW,

Dec 2022

topic        Managing Your Technology  Use Through the Holidays

                 and Beyond

speaker:  Presented by ADAPT

                 Scott Swiniarski, BA Psych. 

                 Priya Chauhan, Registered Psychotherapist            

Nov 2022

topic         Making the 911 Call

speaker    Carole Caron, R.N. & Peer Support Provider


Apr 2020

Meeting cancelled

Mar 10th 2020

topic        Breaking the Mental Health Cycle
               in the Criminal Justice System

speaker  Joann Carrothers - family support facilitator

               The Bridge prison to community

Feb 2020

topic         Meeting Stress with Skill and Wisdom: 

                 An Introduction to Mindfulness

speaker    Dr. Susan Williams, Psychologist and Director

                 THE HALTON CENTRE
                 for Cognitive Therapy & Stress Reduction

Jan 2020

topic       caregiving - part 2

             Caring for the Individual - Caregiver Responsibilities

speaker   Michele Sparling

                   Mental Health Advocate & speaker, Founder of Just Be You 


Dec 2019

topic         caregiving part 1

                 Caring for You - Self-care for Caregivers

speakers   Susan & John, equilibrium core group mambers


Nov 2019

topic        When 'Don’t Worry, Be Happy' Doesn’t Cut It

                  Signs, Symptoms, & Impacts of Anxiety

speaker   Melanie McGregor, Specialist, Health Promotion & Advancement                         Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch


Oct 2019

topic         Oakville Community Mental Health Police Services

speaker    Halton Regional Police


Sept 2019

topic        Recognizing Bipolar Disorder - its ups & its downs

                from a psychiatrist's point of view

speaker    Dr Karl O'Sullivan, Psychiatrist


July & August 2019     no meeting


June 2019

topic         CBT- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

                 challenging unhelpful thinking patterns

speakers   Melanie Walker, Intake Co-ordinator, Out-patient Mental Health

                  Community Mental Health, Joseph Brant Hospital

                  Patti Moorcroft-Tasker, peer support

May 2019

topic          mood disorders and seniors

speaker     Dr Syeeda Salim - MBBS, MRCPsych (part1) UK ,FRPC

                  Geriatric Psychiatry, Adult Outpatient Services

                  Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Apr 2019

speaker    Lindsay Wagner, RMT

topic         Breath & Exercise 
access your Rest & Digest (Parasympathetic) Nervous System

Mar 2019

topic             guardianship, power of attorney & finances

                     for vulnerable individuals

speaker        Hilary Callin - Treatment Decisions Consultant

                     Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

                     Ministry of the Attorney General


Feb 2019

meeting cancelled due to weather


Jan 2019

topic             depression: the secret we share

speaker        Andrew Soloman - writer, lecturer

                     video presentation

Dec 2018

topic        peer group mentoring

                 its evolution & impact

speaker   Chelsea Robertson, SSW Scholar

                 Peer Mentor, One-Link


Nov 2018

topic         anxiety

speaker    Linda Horsky - CMHA  Case Manager


Oct 2018

topic          Cannabis Legalization: Answering Your Burning Questions 

speaker     Erin Horlings, Addiction Clinician & Concurrent Disorders specialist                    with ADAPT & the Phoenix Early Intervention Psychosis Program


Sept 2018

speaker   Dr Karl O’Sullivan, Psychiatrist

topic        Is depression really an illness, or is it an adverse experience,
                part of the human condition?

The talk will cover such issues as:

  • rising rates of depression in a prosperous society
  • depression as a major cause of disability
  • Is depression over-diagnosed?
  • how do you define depression?
  • emerging issues in the treatment of depression

July & August           no meeting

June 2018

topic          the value of peer mentoring and how it works

speaker     Dave Kilgannon, Peer Mentor

                  CMHA, Canadian Mental Health Association

May 2018

topic       what gives you hope

               one man's story of recovery

speaker  John - equilibrium member


Apr. 2018

topic         depression & anxiety

                 changing your thoughts increases chances of recovery

speaker   Dr. David Burns, MD, author "Feeling Good"

                 video presentation